F.M.C.G stands for Fast Moving Consumer Goods.
India is one of the most big markets as far as the term FMCG is concerned. It is giving good consumer service to the customers and trying to reach their expectations. There are different types of customers that this market attracts. Since India is a diverse nation it has its clients from different religion background. Clients are from urban and rural areas.
With this fast growing area you need a candidate who has some experience in this area. Candidate who has interest in this area. And is ready to work hard is a good plus but generally candidates do tend to switch jobs this is one of the big issues which the HR's of the MNC's face. You should see to it that the candidate is not leaving the job or even if he is leaving he has to give prior notice to the HR and train the new candidate according to his job profile. This is how it works. And when the interview is conducted whenever we need to follow some important points.
1. Connect the candidates through social media platforms:
Whenever the interview is conducted the candidates should be informed through digital media platforms because that can act as a great channel through which we might get some very good candidates. Whichever candidates have arrived we should see whether they have some knowledge in FMCG. Are they eligible for the job. Can they fit in into the companies work culture.
whatever the question we have should be kept in mind so that it can be used while discussing with the other panels of the interview we can ask the questions.
Generally through digital media platforms we can attract great deals of the candidates. That will help us to get the good candidate.
Digital media platforms like linkedin, facebook and other job offering websites or various placement agencies can give us good employees.
Recruiters can also create groups on social media platforms and engage in communication through those groups to candidates.
2. Assess the Current Candidates:
There are lots of candidates who get rejected when they apply for the interview. There are chances that even they can fit into the job culture. So if they are called and interviewed for the new openings of the companies job profile company can get a successful employee out of those candidates.The employees should be interviewed thoroughly. The candidates can be chosen from lots of channels. There are candidates who apply through companies career websites. They should be called whenever the interview is conducted.
3. See To It That The Current Practices are Effective:
Whenever the candidates are to be selected in pool campus the educational institutes which hosts the course related to FMCG's should be contacted so the candidates which we get have basic knowledge related to FMCG. If the candidates are required more these educational institutions act as a big plus.
The candidates which are selected should be having the basic knowledge and work capability to work in the company. and give their best but here the main job of HR is to see whether the candidate can perform well in intense situations. The ads can be given in newspapers to attract more candidates for personal interview.
Girivraj Wakade,
Digital Marketing Executive,
Talent Corner HR Services Pvt. Ltd.
Talent Corner HR Services Pvt. Ltd.
About Talent Corner
Talent Corner H.R. Services is a professional human resources consultant providing innovative recruitments solutions to the corporate world. Incorporated in 2002, Talent Corner has now grown into one of India’s top HR Services Companies with Over 150 employees in Offices and located at 10 Locations across the country. We are currently serving over 900+ clients in diverse industries.
We are providing recruitment services in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Pune, Kolkata, Rajasthan, Gujarat, & Cochin. In a Dynamic Business World, Standardized Business Solutions don’t Often Work. Therefore we offer customized Recruitment's and Executive Search Solutions for Companies across industries. Visit our website to know more about us at: http://talentcorner.in
We are providing recruitment services in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Pune, Kolkata, Rajasthan, Gujarat, & Cochin. In a Dynamic Business World, Standardized Business Solutions don’t Often Work. Therefore we offer customized Recruitment's and Executive Search Solutions for Companies across industries. Visit our website to know more about us at: http://talentcorner.in
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